Depending on the area of specialization of the preceding course of studies, the master study course enables students to fulfill the following executive functions after a certain training period:
- Agricultural enterprises
Management and administration of large agricultural enterprises.
- Consulting, education and training
Management consultancy, adult education.
- Planning, realization and evaluation of agricultural projects and joint ventures
Conception and planning of national and international agricultural projects, both in the public or private sector; Evaluation both from a micro and macro-economic perspective; Supervision of the implementation of projects.
- Trade and services
National and international agricultural trade, trade with cattle, meat and meat products, marketing, occupation in the field of market and price reporting, financial accounting, tax consultancy, at banks and insurance companies; sales representative in the respective industrial sectors (crop protection, animal feed, fertilizer, agricultural engineering, food industry).
- Agricultural administration
Organization and implementation of public national promotion programs, conception and execution of agricultural policy measures, cooperation with foreign institutions.
- Organization, cooperatives, settlement
Clerk in international organizations, professional associations, cooperatives, settlement associations, rural youth associations, management of self-help institutions.